WHAT I'VE READ // midnight at the electric by jodi lynn anderson


midnight at the electric was a really quiet story that, to my surprise, had very little to do with space. in fact, i'd almost relate it more to something like the night circus. it's told across three different timelines, though letters, in an epistolary format. each timeline had a very different stakes and dynamics and i have no idea what genre i'd call it? it's mostly set in the past (1919, 1934), then with a futuristic story about a girl about to move to mars in 2065...so historical fiction? sci fi? 

anyway, i loved tiger lily by jodi lynn anderson when i read it years ago and this had the same atmospheric, lyrical quality to it. big fan! i understand i haven't given you much to go on here, but i didn't really know much going in, so it may be better that way. or you can read the goodreads description. you do you. if you've been debating picking it up, or want something just very different to add to your tbr, i recommend. 

books read in 2019: 3

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